• RGV500 Featured Image
    Featured Articles

    RGV500 Dream Street Bike Mock Up

    Does anyone feel that considering how many years the public had the pleasure of viewing 500GP, that the factories never delivered on a full-blooded 500GP replica of the 90s? With this statement, I am my no means talking down or discounting great bikes, such as the Suzuki RG500, Yamaha RZ500 and all the great 250…

My Story

Welcome to the 2 Smokin' Blog!

My name is Morgan Driessens and I am a Graphic Designer from Brisbane, Australia.

Like many of you, I'm a passionate fan of the beautiful 2-stroke engine! I intend to focus these articles on views of the past, present and future of the smokers as well as conducting interviews that examine methodology and development used by privateers throughout history.



Since 2010, I have been providing fresh, design services across a range of different mediums to clientele Australia wide, as well as International design work in countries, such as Spain. If you are interested in my work or if you would like more information, feel free to visit my website at www.clarodesign.com.au